Job Shadowing is a great idea!!

Not only is it a way to find out if you may like a certain career but it is a great way to make contacts.  Most highschools allow a certain number of excused days for you to use job shadowing.  I know at my son’s high school he is allowed 3 excused absences to job shadow.

Below are some helpful questions you may want to ask the person you are shadowing.   Here are a few examples:

Tell me about a regular day in your field.

Tell me about something that was really challenging in your job.

Tell me your favorite thing about your job/career.

Can you tell me the positives and negatives of your job experiences?

Would you recommend this career field to your own son or daughter?

Do you feel like there is potential for growth?

If you have definitely decided on college, then be sure and check out the career center at your school, take advantage of their services.

There is also a great book, that I bought on Amazon,  called Proximity Principal by Ken Coleman.  He also has a website that discuss interviewing and resume writing, both are skills you will need while searching for your career.

What experience, tips or ideas do you have about job shadowing?


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